VIM Commands

Terminal Commands
ls show folder conents
mkdir Foo creates folder named "Foo"
cd Foo enters folder "Foo"
cd .. exit folder
cd ~ go to home directory
rm -r Foo deletes "Foo"
vim filename opens "filename" in VIM
VIM Basics
i enter insert mode
Esc enter command mode
shift+a go to end of line and enter insert mode
0 go to beginning of line
dd delete entire line
yy yank entire line
p paste on the line below cursor position
u undo
Ctrl+r redo
x remove character to the right of the cursor
gg jump to bottom of file
Shift+g jump to top of file
?text search for the phrase "text"
:wq save and quit
:q! force quit wihout saving
:set nu add line numbers
:set nonu remove line numbers
:colorscheme (press tab to cycle) changes colors
:set cursorcolumn adds vertical line over cursor position
:set cursorline adds horizontal line over cursor position
v enter visual mode (use to highlight blocks of text)
< (shift+,) indent left
> (shift+.) indent right
:term horizontal split in console
:vert term vertical split in console
:set list differentiate tabs and spaces
:set expandtab prepare to convert tabs
:retab convert tabs to spaces
:%s/    /(press tab)/g convert each sequence of four spaces to a tab
Ctrl+w+w jump between split window
Ctrl+d close split window terminal
:30 winc < move split border to the left by 30 characters